effects of quarry dust to concrete

effects of quarry dust to concrete

Effect of Quarry Dust on High Performance Concrete

2017-2-2 · 3.4 Quarry Dust The quarry dust used for this investigation work is obtained from the quarry near tindivanam in Tamil Nadu. The quarry dust passing through 4.75 mm retained on 150 micron IS sieves are taken. Specific gravity of 2.617 and fineness modulus of 2.706 has been used. 3.5 Silica Fume The specific gravity of silica fume is 2.2.

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0.23 (water cement ratio) of the concrete due to water absorption by quarry dust. However, the workability problem was solved by blending the combined doses of

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Suitability of Quarry Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete

2021-8-7 · (iv) Quarry Dust Quarry dust is fine rock particles. When boulders are broken into small pieces, quarry dust is formed. It is grey in color and it is like fine aggregate. Specific Gravity of quarry dust = 2.5 (v) Water Water is an important ingredient of concrete and it initiates chemical reaction with cement. Ordinary potable water is used.

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2018-10-3 · construction work. Quarry dust is produced from crusher unit and each crusher unit is produced nearly 22% to 27% of dust. This dust is completely waste material for crusher unit but quarry dust is useful for construction work as sand. If we mix quarry dust in sand then only 65% to 75% of sand replaced by quarry dust because strength of concrete is

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Use of Quarry Dust to Replace Sand in Concrete – An ...

2021-6-4 · with control concrete is very less in 50% sand replacement. Table 5.1: Compressive strength of M20 concrete in 28 Days due to temperature effect Fine aggregate Sand: Quarry dust Compressive strength (MPa) % of reduction in strength compared with control concrete Normal temperature After heated to 100°C 100:0 22.22 17.63 20.66

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Effect of Quarry Dust on The Physical ... - Concrete

2011-2-13 · Keywords: This paper present a report on the possibility of developing high performance concrete (HPC) using quarry dust as part of fine aggregates. Quarry dust was used to replace 20% of sand in silica fume-quarry dust (SFQD) and silica fume (SF) concretes. Besides, silica fume was used as 10% replacement of cement in both SF and SFQD concretes.

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Analysis of Concrete Made from Quarry Dust - IJERT

2019-7-1 · done to find the feasibility of quarry dust in conventional concrete. Quarry dust is a byproduct that is generated from the crushing plants and which is abundantly available to an extent of millions of tons per year associated with disposal problems and

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(PDF) Study on Performance of Quarry Dust as Fine ...

2018-3-7 · The suitability of quarry dust as alternative material for the river sand in concrete manufacturing is studied. M25 grade concrete was prepared with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% partial replacement of ...

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Quarry Dust Uses in a Construction Project - Concrete Blocks

2016-6-6 · Quarry dust uses is not limited to highway projects, in construction projects that involves homes building, it is fast becoming popular too. Partial replacement of sand with quarry dust will make good concrete that is well desired in residential construction. The final product is strong bricks, slabs or tiles that are produced at lower cost ...

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Experimental Investigation on Quarry Dust Concrete with ...

concrete containing quarry dust as fine aggregate. The incorporation of inhibitors as admixture did not show any adverse effects on the strength properties and there was an increase in strength up to certain percentage.

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2022-1-21 · Quarry dust concrete for curing age of 28 days resulted higher compressive strength than river sand concrete [5] [6] [7]. while a few studies showed lower compressive strength for quarry dust ...

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Suitability of Quarry Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete

2021-8-7 · (iv) Quarry Dust Quarry dust is fine rock particles. When boulders are broken into small pieces, quarry dust is formed. It is grey in color and it is like fine aggregate. Specific Gravity of quarry dust = 2.5 (v) Water Water is an important ingredient of concrete and it initiates chemical reaction with cement. Ordinary potable water is used.

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Effect of Quarry Dust on The Physical ... - Concrete

2011-2-13 · Keywords: This paper present a report on the possibility of developing high performance concrete (HPC) using quarry dust as part of fine aggregates. Quarry dust was used to replace 20% of sand in silica fume-quarry dust (SFQD) and silica fume (SF) concretes. Besides, silica fume was used as 10% replacement of cement in both SF and SFQD concretes.

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The Utilization of Quarry Dust as Fine Aggregates in

75% & 100% in concrete & cubes were casted using this concrete containing quarry dust. The compressive strength of these cubes were tested after 7 days, 21 days & 28 days & the results thus obtained were compared to the compressive strength of the cubes made up of conventional concrete containing no quarry dust. 5 Results and Discussions

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2018-6-20 · ABSTRACT-The purpose of this work is to describe the effect of quarry dust and dolomite on the compressive strength of concrete. The present examinations indicate that dolomite may be used as partial replacement of cement in concrete and quarry dust may be suitably replaced with fine aggregate in concrete to some extent.

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Quarry Dust Uses in a Construction Project -

2016-6-6 · Quarry dust uses is not limited to highway projects, in construction projects that involves homes building, it is fast becoming popular too. Partial replacement of sand with quarry dust will make good concrete that is well

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Quarry dust - ScienceDirect

2022-1-1 · Quarry dust and quarry fines could also be produced as by-products from the quarrying of other rock types. The quarry dust derived from granite quarry is considered the most suitable for use as a constituent raw material in concrete production due to its highly inert chemical nature.

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Experimental Investigation on Quarry Dust Concrete with ...

concrete containing quarry dust as fine aggregate. The incorporation of inhibitors as admixture did not show any adverse effects on the strength properties and there was an increase in strength up to certain percentage.

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Implication of Metakaolin in Quarry Dust Concrete

2015-9-22 · initiation time of quarry dust concrete with various percentages of metakaolin have shown in Fig. 6 and Fig. 7. It is found from Fig. 6 that the time to initiate corrosion for quarry dust concrete was found to be 160 hours. Quarry dust concrete with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% replacement of cement by metakaolin shows better

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Effect of dust content on some properties of concrete ...

Natural aggregates with three different gradings have been used to produce concretes with a constant water cement ratio of 0.5 and cement contents varying between 300 kg/m3 and 425 kg/m3. Aggregate gradings differed only in the dust (particles smaller than 300 μm) contents: Nil, 3%, 9%. Dust deficient aggregates always produced less workable concretes for cement

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Effect of Quarry Dust on The Physical ... - Concrete

2011-2-13 · Keywords: This paper present a report on the possibility of developing high performance concrete (HPC) using quarry dust as part of fine aggregates. Quarry dust was used to replace 20% of sand in silica fume-quarry dust (SFQD) and silica fume (SF) concretes. Besides, silica fume was used as 10% replacement of cement in both SF and SFQD concretes.

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Quarry dust is a waste obtained during quarrying process. It has very recently gained good attention to be used as an effective filler material instead of fine aggregate. Also, the use of quarry dust as the fine aggregate decreases the cost of concrete production in terms of the partial replacement for natural river sand.

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2021-10-6 · Lakshmidev (2015) dissected the effect of quarry dust & fly ash on characteristics of concrete. In the existing work an effort is made to ponder the effect of concrete when cement is supplanted by fly ash at 0, 10, 20 & 30% by weight of cement and sand by quarry dust at 20, 30 & 40% for M20 blend.

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Suitability of Quarry Dust as Fine Aggregate in Concrete

2021-8-7 · (iv) Quarry Dust Quarry dust is fine rock particles. When boulders are broken into small pieces, quarry dust is formed. It is grey in color and it is like fine aggregate. Specific Gravity of quarry dust = 2.5 (v) Water Water is an important ingredient of concrete and it initiates chemical reaction with cement. Ordinary potable water is used.

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Partial Replacement of Sand by Quarry Dust in Concrete

2021-6-4 · quarry waste and its effect on the strength and workability of concrete. This paper reports the experimental study which investigated the partial replacement of sand with quarry dust. Initially cement concrete cube was studied with various proportions of cement concrete + quarry dust (M 20, AND M25).

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The present study is intended to study the effects of quarry dust addition in conventional concrete and to assess the rate of compressive strength development for different quarry dust to coarse aggregate ratio, Goble (1999), De Larrard and Belloc (1997) reported that the compressive, flexural strength and durability of concrete made of quarry ...

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Experimental Investigation on Quarry Dust Concrete with ...

concrete containing quarry dust as fine aggregate. The incorporation of inhibitors as admixture did not show any adverse effects on the strength properties and there was an increase in strength up to certain percentage.

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Stone Dust in Concrete: Effect on Compressive Strength

2017-8-24 · found that the compressive and flexural strength of concrete made of Quarry Rock Dust are nearly 10% more than the conventional concrete (Suribabu et al., 2015). In the present study it is proposed to investigate the optimum replacement of river sand with stone dust for concrete in term of compressive strength performance at 7 days and 28 days. II.

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2018-3-20 · The suitability of quarry dust as alternative material for the river sand in concrete manufacturing is studied. M25 grade concrete was prepared with 0%, 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% partial replacement of sand with quarry dust. The physical properties of quarry dust namely

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Effects of Quarry Activities on some Selected

2013-12-24 · Effects of Quarry Activities on Some Selected Communities ... Dust emission is one of the major effects of the practice of limestone extraction and as such, dust (PM10) sampling was conducted at the affected communities. ... pally as concrete aggregate or roadstone.

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