soil aggregate lignin

soil aggregate lignin

Soil aggregate stabilization by a saprophytic lignin ...

We studied the effects of a saprophytic lignin-decomposing basidiomycete isolated from plant litter on soil aggregation and stabilization. The basidiomycete produced large quantities of extracellular materials that bind soil particles into aggregates. These binding agents are water-insoluble and heat-resistant. Water stability of aggregates amended with the fungus and the degrees of ...

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Soil aggregate stabilization by a saprophytic lignin ...

2000-1-1 · We studied the effects of a saprophytic lignin-decomposing basidiomycete isolated from plant litter on soil aggregation and stabilization. The basidiomycete produced large quantities of extracellular materials that bind soil particles into aggregates. These binding agents are water-insoluble and heat-resistant.

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Comparative study of lignin stabilizing mechanisms in soil ...

2020-10-1 · In addition, the aggregate mass only had obviously negative correlation with (Ac/Al) S in 5–10 cm soil of BP, which indicated that the lignin lacks of aggregate protection from oxidation in the subsurface soil at this stand. The results also respond to more carbon loss with soil depth increment at BP compared to BK stand.

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Soil aggregation and the stabilization of organic carbon ...

2014-5-1 · We determined and compared aggregate size distributions, SOC distribution in density fractions, and lignin-derived phenols from aggregated soil samples at both eroding and depositional sites. The stabilization effect of aggregation was quantified by comparing mineralization from intact and crushed macro-aggregates.

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Aggregation controls the stability of lignin and lipids in ...

2017-2-10 · Physical separation of soil into different soil organic matter (SOM) fractions is widely used to identify organic carbon pools that are differently stabilized and have distinct chemical composition. However, the mechanisms underlying these differences in stability and chemical composition are only partly understood. To provide new insights into the stabilization of

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Effects of Lignin on Root Activity and Soil Nutrients of ...

Lignin improved soil aggregate structure, reduced the soil adsorption capacity to fix the soil nutrients, and raised the fertilizer efficiency of the nitrogen and

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Effects of Lignin on Root Activity and Soil Nutrients of ...

2017-5-22 · Lignin improved soil aggregate structure, reduced the soil adsorption capacity to fix the soil nutrients, and raised the fertilizer efficiency of the nitrogen and phosphorus [2] [3] [4]. Lignin regulated nonorganic nitrogen - release, benefited the soil N supplying and the N and P uptake, increased the

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A Model to Predict Soil Aggregate Stability Dynamics ...

2008-1-1 · Soil N availability and the substrate lignin content are major factors that influence the prediction of aggregate stability dynamics. Our results suggest that prediction of aggregate stability dynamics under field conditions using organic substrate characteristics and simple climatic data is possible.

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Linking organic matter chemistry with soil aggregate ...

2018-2-1 · Soil aggregate stability, as assessed by AI, was variably associated to the chemical quality of organic amendments, greatly depending on incubation time, but also on soil types (Fig. 3A and B). Concerning N content and C/N ratio, such features showed a general pattern of not significant correlation with AI ( Fig. 3 A), with some exceptions at ...

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Soil aggregate stabilization by a saprophytic lignin ...

2000-1-1 · We studied the effects of a saprophytic lignin-decomposing basidiomycete isolated from plant litter on soil aggregation and stabilization. The basidiomycete produced large quantities of extracellular materials that bind soil particles into aggregates. These binding agents are water-insoluble and heat-resistant.

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Effects of Lignin on Root Activity and Soil Nutrients of ...

Lignin improved soil aggregate structure, reduced the soil adsorption capacity to fix the soil nutrients, and raised the fertilizer efficiency of the nitrogen and phosphorus [2] [3] [4] . Lignin regulated non-organic nitrogen release, benefited the soil N

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Aggregation controls the stability of lignin and lipids in ...

2017-2-10 · Physical separation of soil into different soil organic matter (SOM) fractions is widely used to identify organic carbon pools that are differently stabilized and have distinct chemical composition. However, the mechanisms underlying these differences in stability and chemical composition are only partly understood. To provide new insights into the stabilization of

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Effects of Lignin on Root Activity and Soil Nutrients of ...

2017-5-22 · Lignin improved soil aggregate structure, reduced the soil adsorption capacity to fix the soil nutrients, and raised the fertilizer efficiency of the nitrogen and phosphorus [2] [3] [4]. Lignin regulated nonorganic nitrogen - release, benefited the soil N supplying and the N and P uptake, increased the

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(PDF) Lignin controls on soil ecosystem services ...

2022-1-6 · Lignin promotes macroaggregation in soil [101,105,106] and it increas es aggregate stability [106]. According to Xiao et al. [106], appli cation of 1.67-3.34 g C kg -1 soil in the form of

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A Model to Predict Soil Aggregate Stability Dynamics ...

2008-1-1 · Soil N availability and the substrate lignin content are major factors that influence the prediction of aggregate stability dynamics. Our results suggest that prediction of aggregate stability dynamics under field conditions using organic substrate characteristics and simple climatic data is possible.

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Variation in soil lignin protection mechanisms in five ...

2019-12-27 · The highest C (198.20 g kg −1 soil) and lignin concentrations (6.14 mg 100 mg −1 C) were detected in the bulk soil from the 239-yr-old stand, where SC fraction occupied 56.18% of the C and 84.17% of the lignin content in bulk soil. Forest succession from broadleaf to a broadleaf–pine mixture shifted SOC sequestration and lignin protection ...

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Aggregation of surface mine soil by interaction between ...

The external mycelium of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal (VAM) fungus was effective in aggregating a sandy loam minesoil. The polysaccharide nature of the soil binding agent on hyphal surfaces and on the surfaces of sand particles in contact with the hyphae within the aggregate was demonstrated with the periodic acid-Schiff reagent staining reaction. A possible stabilizing

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Soil aggregates as biogeochemical reactors and ...

2018-11-9 · Schematic of soils as a system of aggregate reactors of different sizes. At the profile level, soils act as a source of CO 2, either a source or a sink of CH 4 (denoted by the upward and downward arrow, respectively), and a source of N 2 O. At fine scales, soil consists of aggregate reactors of differing sizes.

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Soil properties and substrate quality determine the ...

2022-1-8 · Soil aggregate stability (i.e., MWD) is a major negative regulator of PE across different soil types (Figs. 6 and 7). Vegetation succession usually leads to the aggregation of soil particles, which increases the coarse fraction and decreases the fine fraction of soil aggregates, thus consequently increases the stability of soil aggregates ...

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Stabilization of lignin in soils - lessons from compound ...

Aggregate turnover would then liberate part of these easily decomposable lignin structures resulting in the observed decomposition pattern. Therefore we suggest that inclusion in aggregates is particularly important for stabilization of

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Effects of Lignin on Root Activity and Soil Nutrients of ...

2017-5-22 · Lignin improved soil aggregate structure, reduced the soil adsorption capacity to fix the soil nutrients, and raised the fertilizer efficiency of the nitrogen and phosphorus [2] [3] [4]. Lignin regulated nonorganic nitrogen - release, benefited the soil N supplying and the N and P uptake, increased the

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A Model to Predict Soil Aggregate Stability Dynamics ...

2008-1-1 · Soil N availability and the substrate lignin content are major factors that influence the prediction of aggregate stability dynamics. Our results suggest that prediction of aggregate stability dynamics under field conditions using organic substrate characteristics and simple climatic data is possible.

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Variation in soil lignin protection mechanisms in five ...

2019-12-27 · The highest C (198.20 g kg −1 soil) and lignin concentrations (6.14 mg 100 mg −1 C) were detected in the bulk soil from the 239-yr-old stand, where SC fraction occupied 56.18% of the C and 84.17% of the lignin content in bulk soil. Forest succession from broadleaf to a broadleaf–pine mixture shifted SOC sequestration and lignin protection ...

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Lignin turnover in an agricultural field: from plant ...

2006-3-24 · Jennifer A. J. Dungait, Natalie A. Stear, Bart E. van Dongen, Roland Bol and Richard P. Evershed, Off‐line pyrolysis and compound‐specific stable carbon isotope analysis of lignin moieties: a new method for determining the fate of lignin residues in soil, Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 22, 11, (1631-1639), (2008).

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Vegetation Effects on Soil Organic Matter Chemistry of ...

2012-7-2 · composition of soil aggregate fractions. We exam-ine OM composition using categorical chemical groupings (lignin, lipid, and so on) similar to those proposed by Kaal and others (2007) and subse-quently examine if variation in specific plant bio-markers (pyrolysis products) are retained in the soils that form beneath each species. The specific

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Soil aggregates as biogeochemical reactors and ...

2018-11-9 · Schematic of soils as a system of aggregate reactors of different sizes. At the profile level, soils act as a source of CO 2, either a source or a sink of CH 4 (denoted by the upward and downward arrow, respectively), and a source of N 2 O. At fine scales, soil consists of aggregate reactors of differing sizes.

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Soil properties and substrate quality determine the ...

2022-1-8 · Soil aggregate stability (i.e., MWD) is a major negative regulator of PE across different soil types (Figs. 6 and 7). Vegetation succession usually leads to the aggregation of soil particles, which increases the coarse fraction and decreases the fine fraction of soil aggregates, thus consequently increases the stability of soil aggregates ...

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Temperature responses of individual soil organic matter ...

2008-9-17 · However, Soil L respiration had a much higher Q 10 value (2.49) than Soil E (1.86) probably because recalcitrant SOM such as suberin-derived compounds, cutin-derived compounds, and lignin monomers comprised a smaller fraction of the identified SOM in Soil E (86%) in comparison to Soil L (92%) at the beginning of incubation. Even more labile SOM ...

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Particulate organic matter as a functional soil component ...

2021-7-5 · The fate of soil carbon is controlled by plant inputs, microbial activity, and the soil matrix. Here the authors extend the notion of plant-derived particulate organic matter, from

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